On offering up a back rub...
Marriage is a funny thing.
Yeah, you're joined for life, yeah, you love him.
Yeah, he's everything you ever wanted. And yet you still have things you want that he doesn't want.
And he has things he wants that you're not going to give in on. Ever.
Mark and I have a deal. I get one speeding ticket a year. He makes it go away. He sends away for my driving record, files the paperwork for me to take a defensive driving class instead of getting points on my license and then, being the kind-hearted husband that he is, he takes the defensive driving class online for me.
I tried taking the class. I don't have the patience for it. The third year in a row that I gave up halfway through and just paid the fine instead, Mark stepped in and took over for me.
In appreciation of this kind act, the first year, I offered Mark a token of my affection and appreciation. Let's say, for the sake of argument and because it's none of your business what I really gave him, that I offered him a back rub. He's happy. I'm happy. It's a give and take. We have done this for ten years now, and it works for us.
And yes, the poor man gets back rubs just because he's a good guy. Once in a while, when the kids are asleep and we're not exhausted and we're getting along. This is just a bonus.
Last week, I was going to California, and I asked Mark for some extra spending money. I told him it would come in handy, and I offered him, as a token of appreciation and affection, a back rub. Which he promptly accepted, and then said that we don't do nice things for each other in order to get paid, but because we love each other, and I would have to stick to my budget and would not be getting any extra cash.
I was not impressed.
However, now he has the certificate for this year's defensive driving class in his hot little hands. He got it in the mail today.
And he would like payment for his time and effort. In the form of, shall we say, a back rub.
Forget it, says I. We don't do things for each other to get paid. We do them because we love each other and want to do them.
And so he has, cheerfully and in good humor, locked away my defensive driving certificate until I pay up.
I'm not sure how this little battle is going to play out, but it's a lot of fun to see what's going to happen next.
Marriage is such an odd thing -- just when you think you have it all figured out, it's new again and you have to re-negotiate all of your terms. I'm astounded when people have been married four or five times. I'm still figuring out this one!
I have ten days until I have to turn in the defensive driving certificate. This could get interesting.
Reader Comments (1)
I can't WAIT to read the next installment! lolol