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The first week of school

We started the fall semester this week with Monday co-op, where I had a class teaching 11 children, all 7-9 years old.

Somehow, I survived the first class. 

Consensus among children as to what they wanted to learn about the middle ages? 

Unicorns, dragons, alchemy, princesses and knights.

 Not one of them said feudalism, the Crusades, the spread of Islam or Beowulf. Huh.

Sawyer took a chemistry class and a drama class, and Sander had a painting class as well as my middle ages one. Then we had Cub Scouts, then Boy Scouts. 
Today at home, we had three boys over for intense middle ages co-op for Sawyer, and four kids over for a really light, version of the same for Sander, plus an online British Literature class for Sawyer. 

Tomorrow there's fencing,  and later in the week is violin lessons and park day, plus another co-op. 
While trying to fit in Pre-Algebra, writing and Spanish.
And did I mention I have four chapters left to write on my book? 
And that I have a toddler?

And that Mark's going out of town for, oh, a month or so?
Homeschooling was a lot of fun up until about, oh, 7th grade.
Now, as they say in the vernacular, "It's about to get real." 

We'll see how long this will continue. A friend of mine suggested that we slow down and let them take it all at their own pace.

For Sawyer, though, this IS his own pace. This is what he wants to learn. And so we're diving in, swimming as hard as we can, and seeing how far we get before we have to send for the rescue boats!

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